Monday, August 26, 2013


With Graduation looming around for me its about time I finally buckle down and ask myself :
What do I want to be/do when I grow up/graduate?

If you read my last post  you would know that I've spent my summer working on the marketing team at my company and although it was a wonderful experience it was also an extremely challenging one as well. It made realized what a loved to do but it also showed me that I don't quite meet the requirements. I struggled with the position, there was a lot I need to learn and I made a lot of mistakes. Thankfully I was surrounded by incredibly supportive people and I managed to push through it and learned a lot.

This summer I found what I loved to do, but I also realized that there still a lot of things I need to learn in order to pursue it as a Career. Choosing the job is one thing making yourself qualified for the position is whole different story.

I guess my point to this post is take risk and explore all your options, do not settle for something you like to do, strive until you find what you love to do. And when you find what you love make sure you are the best candidate out there.

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